Whilst the majority of organizations are still familiarizing themselves with the Recruitment 2.0 concept, it is worth understanding that the adjective “2.0″ shouldn’t be confused with the simple recruiting activity through social networks. Recruitment 2.0 goes much further than “viralizing” job vacancies on the Social Network. It requires the revision of certain key organizational aspects. Let’s analyze each one of them:
1. Each node of the organization could be a Recruiter 2.0
The organization as a whole or any of its nodes, could be considered a recruiter. This is probably one of the main challenges for the successful evolution of recruitment 2.0. The HR department must become the main defender of relational recruitment, but to do so it should part with this unilateral responsibility; promote the idea that each member of the organization can be a connector. The HR department should establish itself as the organizational Social Networker, a promoter and announcer of connections.
2. Recruitment 2.0 implies democratizing and sharing information and strategy
It is simply unrealistic to encourage establishing the necessary connections by all members of the organization if there is a lack of reliable information about the organizational reality, about what is needed and what for, about where we are going and why. The democratization of business information implies a review of the -still existing- traditional organizational structures as to how they share information about their business strategies, their action plans and the raison d’être of their existence. In practical terms, the democratization of information is about relaxing the classic power structures and how these handle information. It will be difficult to carry out effective recruitment 2.0, in which the whole organization knows how to “connect” with the required professional, if aspects such as, Where are we going? What do we want? Why are we here?… haven’t been communicated in an open and clear way.
3. Freedom to take decisions: connecting and recruiting is a shared decision
The efficiency of recruitment 2.0 requires changing the traditional decision making model with regard to selection. The HR department should educate, be the communication chain, so that any member of the company is aware of the recruitment criteria associated with the culture. The main mistake in the unsuitability for the organization is not due to the poor identification of the technical aspects for performing the job, but to the lack of alignment with the organizational principles and values. Cultural criteria should be shared and spread throughout the whole organization so that there is a single criterion, this way minimizing the traditional mistakes of integration. The end “decision maker” should be the micro-community which identifies and interacts with the professional who is to be recruited.
4. What turns recruitment into 2.0 isn’t technology but the culture of conversation: Recruiting in 2.0 is talking
The 2.0 environment and the associated technology maximize the ability to interact and establish contacts, butthe virtual network always ends up being tangible. It is a mistake to underestimate the absence of an active presence on social networks of any of the members of the company or community. The identification of the professional required could occur in a “traditional” (1.0) relational environment. The essential requirement for recruiting in 2.0 is that the culture of conversation/interaction pervades the organization as a whole.
5. Recruiting in 2.0 is a permanent vital sign, no an organizational process
Employees should continuously think in terms of relation, not recruitment. An organization that recruits in 2.0, is one that relates periodically and systematically with all of its stakeholders. Recruitment 2.0 implies having the ability to relate with all members of the organization permanently activated, without there being a need or a position to fill.
Recruiting in 2.0 version means therefore, evolving the organizational culture; it implies strengthening connections between all of the members of the network-organization-community; achieving maximum connectivity between all its nodes. The objective is for the organization to be a network capable of identify and relating with 100% of the professionals who have a profile required for the project.
If we take into account these considerations, we will understand the importance of self-proclaiming to be a Recruiter 2.0
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